The stronger your people are,

The stronger your business is.

We’ll help get you there.

• Individual Leadership Skills Training

• Leadership and Management Team Development

• One-on-One Performance Coaching

Individual Leadership Skills Training

Why Is Leadership Training So Important Right Now?

  • Trends affecting Leadership #1: Boomers retiring, Millennials advancing

    The challenge is that most of the people being promoted to replace those retiring, are being promoted based on their technical skills and administrative proficiency. What’s missing is the experience leading people.

    How are you preparing your next generation of leaders for success?

  • Trends affecting Leadership #2: Employees expecting more from their leaders - and their leaders are not fully prepared.

    With millennials and Generation Z representing over 75% of the workforce today, they are looking for different things from their leaders, such as more focus on their well-being, access to more coaching and adapting to a flexible/hybrid work environment, to name a few.

    How are you helping your leaders tackle this new reality?

  • Trends Affecting Leadership #3 Hiring and Retention - the right people in the right seats.

    Attracting the best talent has become more and more difficult. Hiring and retention can no longer be the sole responsibility of HR. Leaders need to be the front line to ensure they have the right people doing the right things. This new strategic focus is beyond what many leaders were trained to do.

    How are you ensuring you have the right people in the right seats?

Why Most Training Doesn’t Work

Most leadership programs are designed for ease of operational delivery within an organization, and not for habit formation. They are event based trainings, usually taking place over a day or two.

The reason this type of training fails to develop long-term behaviour change is because it is treated as a one-time event. Over the course of that day, the trainer provides strategies, tactics and ideas. The trainer needs to be perfect to transfer that knowledge to the people seeing this content for the first time. At the same time, the people in the audience need to have perfect retention after hearing that content only once.

After two or three weeks, you might remember the basic concepts but not how to implement the ideas. According to a McKinsey & Company survey, adults typically retain only 10% of what they hear in a classroom lecture. Cramming all the key learning into a one or two day training makes logistical sense, but it greatly restricts the learning retention.

Training is a mindset, not an event, therefore should be continuous.

A new system is needed.

We employ a time spaced learning model. Our leadership training is aimed at teaching new skills, while also helping your people develop new behaviours and habits that lead to lasting change. Our goal is not to just get the training done, rather, to ensure the training is understood and effective and produces results.

How Our Training Works


The Learn component consists of a 2-hour classroom session where we work with your team to cover a specific topic. Our sessions are focused on a 30/70 split with 30% of the time dedicated to delivering the theory of the new skill and 70% on applying what was learned through exercises, scenarios and discussions.


At the conclusion of each of the learning sessions a homework assignment is given to all participants. These assignments are to be completed as part of their day-to-day work. The goal is to get the leaders to use their new skills immediately with their teams. Each assignment is designed to put their new learning into practical use in real life situations and to help each leader develop stronger relationships with their teams.


We then meet again two weeks later for a 90 minute session, where participants share what they learned during the apply step, including mistakes and best practices. Many who have taken the course say that this is one of best aspects. Getting to listen and hear how their colleagues tackle issues and use the new learning.

Our experience with Larry Anderson Consultants has been transformative. We have worked with Larry for approximately three years now to develop our leaders, both new and experienced, and the training he provides to our team is effective, comprehensive, and on point.

From day one, Larry worked with us to scope our areas of greatest need and develop a teaching plan that is flexible, scalable, and fully customized to the needs of our company and team members.

Our leaders can’t say enough about Larry’s teaching style – he’s approachable, supportive, and a great communicator. Classes are structured around having open conversations that highlight relevant topics where leaders need the most support, like change management and having difficult conversations, and corresponding assignments facilitate and encourage the transfer of knowledge to real-life situations.

As an organization, we appreciate Larry’s expertise, professionalism, and follow-through. We can see the proven growth and results every single day.

Susan Chatland
VP, People and Culture
Book Depot

Leadership and Management Team Development

90 Days to a Better Team

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You’re struggling with the growth of your people and ultimately your business

  • Not having everyone on the same page

  • Too many failed solutions

  • Employees that don’t perform as expected

  • Burnt out and overworked owners and senior managers

  • Everything is reactive

  • There never seems to be enough time to do the important things

  • Constantly feel like you’re behind

It doesn’t have to be this way.

90 Days to a Better Team is a Leadership Development Program that works because it changes the mindset of your leaders and helps you and your team to stay focused on the right things.

Ask yourself:

• Can I take my business to where I want it to be, doing the same things I’m doing today?

• Do I have the right structure, people and processes to take my business to the next level?

What is 90 Days to a Better Team?

The 90 Days to a Better Team Program

With the constant demands of the day to day activities of your business, teams can start looking like just a bunch of individuals running around putting out fires. Our system is designed to realign your leadership team every 90 days. Every quarter, your leadership team reviews your Core Values, Key Processes and Team Blueprint, to name a few important elements, to ensure everyone is accountable and connected.

The Key Outcomes:

  • Everyone becomes accountable

  • Everyone is aligned and on the same page

  • The right people in the right seats

  • Measure what matters - you and your people can make better decisions, faster

  • An open, honest and focused leadership team

  • Urgency to get the right things done

Why 90 Days?

Most people get excited and energized at the beginning of a new project or goal, but over time they lose focus, energy and interest. Every 90 days, you have the opportunity to refocus and recharge your people and ultimately your business and increase your chances of success.

How Our Program Works

First 90 Days

Through a series of 2-3 full day sessions over the course of 90 Days, we review four key aspects of your business:

Your company
Your environment
Your leaders
Your people

The key outcomes of these sessions are:

Stronger culture
Stronger people
Stronger business


Quarterly, we bring your leadership team together for a full day session to review four key aspects of your business:

Your company
Your environment
Your leaders
Your people

The key outcomes of these sessions are:


Larry’s leadership training has been a fundamental building block of the Haldimand County leadership program and a transformative experience for our leaders. His training style fosters an open, safe, and collaborative environment that encourages meaningful dialogue and constructively challenges our practices. 

What stands out about Larry is his recognition that a one-size-fits-all approach simply doesn’t work in leadership development. He offers a variety of methods and strategies, ensuring that each participant can find a path that resonates with their unique leadership style. His program design allows leaders to learn, practice and reflect together encouraging growth and relationship building. This personalized approach has empowered our leaders to think critically and creatively about their roles and teams.  

I highly recommend Larry for any organization looking to enhance their leadership capabilities and build strong leadership connections. His ability to inspire and adapt is truly exceptional, and we look forward to future training sessions with him.

 Katie Meyer
Manager, Human Resources 
Haldimand County

Performance Coaching

Unlocking Your Potential With Performance Coaching

Do you avoid change?

Most of us do.


Because change can be hard.

For some reason we wait until we have diabetes or have a heart attack before we take action and make the necessary changes for a healthy life.

We think that if we believe hard enough in what we’re doing, or just put in more hours, things will just work out.

It won’t.

In fact, most of the time things get worse.

One-on-one coaching helps you identify the key areas where you need to make changes and to develop the skills, behaviours and habits to be successful.

How Our Coaching Works


We meet first to ensure there is a good fit and to discuss what you’re looking to get out of coaching. It’s critical you connect with your coach.


We set a regular schedule (typically bi-weekly or monthly) and agree on what success looks like for you.


Our sessions are confidential, organized and focused on your forward progress. You will be challenged and asked tough questions.


At the start of each session, we review what was accomplished since the last session. At the end of each session, we discuss what you are committing to, to move your goals forward.

Larry Anderson’s approach to business coaching has made a real impact on my team and our results. Over the past 5 years he has coached our sales department to become a more proactive sales team, he has supported our staff through an acquisition, and he has helped our entire management team develop the skills they need to successfully do their jobs. Not only does Larry have the functional knowledge and experience, but he has amazing tools and organizational strategies to keep our team streamlined and results focused. Daily I see our team implementing the tools and guidance that Larry has provided.

On a personal note, Larry’s no-nonsense approach to coaching has guided me through the most impactful years of my professional career. He is smart, direct, and caring. He works hard to understand the problems I am facing and draws on personal experience and his business acumen to provide strategic advice that I can implement in my business. I would recommend Larry to anyone looking to move their career and their business forward.

Michelle McCulloch
VP, Tents & Structures
Chair-man Mills Corp

About Larry Anderson Consultants

Since 2005, we have helped hundreds of small and midsize companies develop their leaders and leadership teams.

We provide three main services:

  1. Individual leadership skills training

  2. Leadership and management team development

  3. One-on-one performance coaching

Here is what you can expect when we work together.

  • We take the time to really understand your business and the people in it - everything we do together is about what is best for you and your business.

  • We have worked with hundreds of companies in dozens of industries. Through our training, we bring fresh and tested ideas to your business and offer you new perspectives.

  • We connect with people - people trust me and want to share with me - this leads to a more connected team and culture.

  • Our clients have worked with us for years, which means our training and counsel are sound and produce results.

  • For business owners and senior managers, we are that confidant you can talk to when no one else understands you.

  • Our training produces results. Most of our clients have put dozens of their leaders through our program.

A Few of the Great Companies We Work With